
The playground is where all the kids gather for recess, but have you noticed that we don’t know any of the kids’s fates after Taking the 5th grade? I shall explain this to you.

98th Street School was built after WW2, after Bile T. Ninety-Eighth the Ninety Eighth. What they didn’t know was that it would turn into a ghost school.

Flash Forward to after Halloween when the Recess Gang are in 5th Grade. Principal Prickly was making budget cuts on certain lunch items because of all the Candy the children ate on Halloween. While trying to lead a revolt, CJ was run over by an ice-cream truck and died. Her spirit still lives on the playground, teaching kids how to stand up for their rights.

Mickey was the one most upset over CJ’s death, being sensitive and all. To cope with it, he ate an insane amount of chocolate bars until he literally just burst. Mickey still walks on the playground, fat as ever and sad as ever.

Rigelli took a tough approach to the two deaths, being unemotional, while on the inside, she was upset. She died doing this, however. Rigelli still roams the playground, acting as the group’s bodyguard as she was in life.

Russ knew HIS death was coming, so he tried to act tough, as Rigelli had done, as his father thinks of him as a “tough little solider.” But he collapsed on the pavement and died. Mrs Rimple divorced her husband after this, believing he forced their son to be emotionless.

Rachel one day noticed a bystander beating up a tiny kindergartener, thinking he was an evil one, and told Principal Prickly. Furious, the bystander knifed Rachel on the school grounds. Rachel is still known as the 98th Street’s best snitch.

While the Aubrees were having a sleepover, and their little brothers were having a man over (gentleman’s sleepover), a killer broke into the Ember mansion and killed all the children. They still frolick on the playground, acting like the posh people as they were in life.

When it came time for the science fair, Greta was eager to win THIS one, only for Betty Bedford to steal her project again and this time, NOT confessing to it. In a mad rampage, Greta committed suicide through gunshot to the head. Betty soon joined her in death, taking her own life in guilt.

The day after the science fair, the Diggers, Jade and Pam explored an old coal mine, but couldn’t get out. Their bodies were found two weeks later. Now they dig near the school grounds, out of fear that digging OUTSIDE will take away their lives in the afterlife.

Within those 2 weeks, Vance sprained a muscle in his foot. Thinking he couldn’t play sports again, he committed suicide.

Queen Florence II eventually goes mad with power and murdered the entire student body, which became known as the 98th Street School massacre. She was sent to a juvenile detention center. She eventually died when a thug knocked her out cold.

At the end of 5th Grade, a gas leak occurred, which killed everyone in the school. They would’ve left on the anniversary of CJ’s death.

98th Street School was eventually closed down by Bile T. Ninety-Eighth the 100th. This didn’t affects the ghosts of the fallen children or staff. Classes are still in session and the ghosts of the children still frolick on the playground, as if it was never shut down.
